16 October 2009

english project 1

teen life, a project for English

We all know that most Canarian teenagers like doing the same things: hanging out with friends, chatting on the Internet, playing computer games, going to the beach ... But do boys and girls like doing the same things? And what about British teens? What do they like doing?

In this project, you are going to find out about British teenagers, and you will compare them to you.

  1. Make groups of six.
  2. Decide which topic you are going to talk about.
  3. Find the information you need.
  4. Present the information in a poster, a video, or a PowerPoint presentation.
  1. On weekdays (daily routines).
  2. On weekdays, after school.
  3. At weekends (girls).
  4. At weekends (boys).
  5. On summer holidays.

At the end of the project, you will be evaluated by your teacher and your classmates. We'll use these evaluation forms:

  1. To help you gather the information about how British teenagers spend their free time, you can use these tables.
  2. Get your questions ready! Richard will answer them.
  3. Visit these links. In them, some teenagers comment on different topics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like going to my grandmother´s house on Saturdays and after play football with my friends.I like going to the movie with my family and after go to diner on Sundays.Daniel M