22 November 2011

4º ESO writing an opinion essay

In an opinion essay, you present your personal opinion on a particular topic. Your opinion must be stated clearly and supported by justifications. Also, you can present an opposing viewpoint in a separate paragraph.

An opinion essay should consist of:
  1. An introduction, in which you introduce the subject and state your opinion clearly.
  2. A main body consisting of two or more paragraphs, in which you present your viewpoints supported by reasons or examples. You can also pressent opposing viewpoints in a different paragraph.
  3. A conclusion, in which you restate your opinion.
To state your opinion, you can use one of these expressions:

I believe / think / feel (that) ...
In my opinion ...
I (strongly) disagree that / with ...
I (completely) agree that / with ...

Some other useful expressions

to list points

in the first place, to begin with

to add more points

moreover, also, in addition

to introduce opposing viewpoints


to introduce examples

for example, for instance, such as

to conclude

in conclusion, all things considered

An example:

Should Dangerous Sports Be Banned?

Today, many sports are being regulated to improve safety standards and to reduce injuries. But for some people this is not enough, and they would like to see some dangerous sports banned completely. In my opinion, they should not be banned.
To start with, a challenging sport provides a healthy, largely safe, physical outlet for aggression. There is no evidence to show that people who take part in dangerous sports become violent as a result. In fact, dangerous sports may act as a safety valve for a society by reducing stress.
Moreover, almost all sports involve some risk. There is almost no sport without danger, and, for example, even golf or jogging can lead to pain or injury. Without some elements of risk or challenge, sport becomes meaningless.
However, for some people dangerous sports such as boxing are nothing but an excuse for violence, and they think that the last thing an increasingly violent world needs is more violence on our television.
All things considered, I think our society would be healthier if more people took part in sports of all kinds, as long as they are challenging, exciting, and, above all, fun. So there is no need to ban any sport.

01 November 2011

4º ESO english project 2 (2011-12)

Do you know what a gadget is? Let's find out!

Look at these pictures. Can you guess what these objects are? What do you think they are used for?

Now ... here are their names to help you:

A gadget is an unusual, sometimes useful thing, that is not really necessary. Gadgets are interesting for their novelty rather than for their practical use.

In this project you will have to design your own gadget and present it to your class.

  1. Make groups of three or four.
  2. Use your imagination and design a gadget.
  3. Present your gadget to the class. In the presentation you must include:

    aaaaWhat it is used for.aaaa

    How it works.

    What it is made of.

    How it was built.

  4. Write a script and hand it to your teacher.

Don't panic! You don't have to build a gadget, you just have to design one. So a drawing will be enough for the presentation. Or you may make a collage using cut up magazines.

Are you a Technology student? Then, instead of designing a gadget, you can use any project that you have made for that subject. You only have to follow the tasks above.


At the end of the project, you will be evaluated by your teacher and your classmates. We'll use these evaluation forms: