Pop, rap, dance, rock, classical ... there will always be a kind of music for everyone.
What about you?
What is your favourite type of music?
And your favourite singer or band?
- Make groups of two or three.
- Choose a singer or group.
- Find information about them (background, likes and dislikes) and some pictures.
- Think of another similar singer or group and compare them.
- Make a poster, a video or a powerpoint with your information. You must include:
background information
physical description
likes and dislikes / hobbies
description of a picture (clothes, what they are doing, etc.)
comparison with a similar singer or band
- Present your project to the class (presentation tips).
- Hand the script to your teacher.
You can find some information in the following links:
- http://mundofans.portalmundos.com/category/musica/
- http://www.mycelebritymatch.com/all_celebrities.php
- http://www.publispain.com/
- http://www.notsoboringlife.com/hobbies/top-100-celebrities-and-their-hobbies/
At the end of the project, you will be evaluated by your teacher and your classmates. We'll use these evaluation forms:
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