Do you know what a gadget is? Let's find out!
Look at these pictures. Can you guess what these objects are? What do you think they are used for?

Now ... here are their names to help you:
A gadget is an unusual, sometimes useful thing, that is not really necessary. Gadgets are interesting for their novelty rather than for their practical use.
In this project you will have to design your own gadget and present it to your class.
- Make groups of three or four.
- Use your imagination and design a gadget.
- Present your gadget to the class. In the presentation you must include:
aaaaWhat it is used for.aaaa
How it works.
What it is made of.
How it was built. - Write a script and hand it to your teacher.
Don't panic! You don't have to build a gadget, you just have to design one. So a drawing will be enough for the presentation. Or you may make a collage using cut up magazines.

At the end of the project, you will be evaluated by your teacher and your classmates. We'll use these evaluation forms:
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