22 March 2013

3º ESO english project 3 (2012-13)

Environmental problems

We all know the world has its problems, particularly where the environment is concerned. But not too many of us know the details, and the stories behind those problems. With this project you'll learn about some of them.


  1. Make groups of four.
  2. Choose an environmental problem from the resources list.
  3. Find information about it.
  4. Make a poster, a video or a PowerPoint with your information.
  5. Present your project to the class (presentation tips).


  1. - information -

    Explain the problem as simply as you can with the help of pictures, diagrams, videos, etc. You may also need to explain the meaning of some words you are going to use. Keep in mind that your classmates have to understand what you are talking about.

    If the environmental issue you are going to talk about is currently affecting the Canary Islands, try to find some facts and include them in your presentation.

    - tips to help solve the problem -

    What do you think governments and people should(n't) / must do in order to solve this problem?

    - an activity for your classmates -

    After your presentation, the rest of the class will have to show that they have understood it by doing an easy activity (about six multiple choice questions, with sentences or pictures

    example 1